Monday, November 30, 2009
We're pretty excited about the fact that the horrible month of November is coming to an end. Rarely have so many people been miserable, and the sweet smells and lit candles of December are welcomed with open arms. This dude has a few years left until the gray starts kicking in, but as we can clearly see, he wears the red well and a beard like that makes for an excellent Santa.
Vill du inte komma över och hångla lite till the magnetic fields? Jag har externa högtalare med godtycklig ljudkvalité och rabarbersaft. Allt jag behöver är en vacker pojke som du!
Såvida du inte är upptagen med viktigare saker av samhällsomstörtande karaktär, såklart.
To the boy's defense, this might be explained by a stated new year's resolution to "be om betänketid i händelse av att annan person söker inleda någon form av sexuell aktivitet".
The same young man also said; "lev varannan dag enligt döda poeters sällskap och varannan enligt augustinus; fånga varannan dag och gör ingenting under nästa (i trygg förvissning om att nuet enbart är den icke-existerande punkt där det förflutna och framtiden möts)." And that's why we adore him.
Maybe it was just an augustinus day today and we'll see whatever carpe diem-ish results tomorrow brings.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Because color is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, yellow, blue, curly hair, casual, relaxed guys and others.
Vi sågs senast på Cinderella, för några år sedan. Ditt namn börjar på S och är populärt i Ryssland. Vi hade preliminärt planerat att ses på Münchenbryggeriet. Saknar dig. Kanske kan vi träffas, om du fortfarande är fri. (Sto 173817)
Sanning eller konke. Sanning är att jag är 47/185/78, cendré, med ärliga, blåa ögon. Vill gärna träffa en tös med trevligt inre och yttre i passande ålder. Konsekvenserna av det vet jag ännu inte. (Sto 173788)
Känner du dig som en hund som sitter på månen och skäller på jorden, när du tänker på din längtan efter en kvinna och kärlek? Kvinna, 47 år, väntar. (Sto 173849)
Over turkey dinner our dad said that mastering Excel, yes, the computer program, is almost as important as knowing the alphabet in today's world. Probably not in our own universe, but we're certainly convinced that this guy "provides powerful tools and features that you can use to analyze, share, and manage your data with ease."
Right now, all we wanna do is listen to The Magnetic Fields and make out. We have a few people in mind, but with whom is secondary. We have external speakers, rabarbersaft and the month of November strongly encourages us to savor any little glimpse of love and tenderness, if only in our imagination.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Let's make out behind the bleachers after football practice, before you have to run off to Astronomy Club meeting.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A happy socks salesman never looked better. Besides designing collections inspired by Big Pack ice cream, wearing blinking Christmas sweaters and remaining to cool for school, you are pretty much busy with being one of a kind. We already know that Riche is your living room, so it would be more educative to learn the location of your bedroom.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dec 2nd 2008, Oh my God! I mean, it is Jan 2nd 2009.
A guy called me today but I just said 'Hallå', then he said 'Hello' and then I said 'Hello?' and the call was canceled. Or I am assuming that he hung up. I hope it is the bearded guy Bill that I met at Union Pool on the year's last day. He was tall and very attractive with nice brown eyes and a real skepparkrans as a beard.
I started talking to his friend Will, who later introduced me to Bill. Their real name is actually William, but somewhere along the line they separately took a different road and turning into the sweeter, shy Will (a librarian at Parson’s school of design) and the more straight forward, charming Bill, who put his arm around me every time he came by and whispered ‘Fuck you’ in my ear, which at the time seem totally normal and I just whispered back. Being såhär efterklok, I realize that I should of course have said ‘Fuck me’ instead of just repeating the ‘Fuck you’.
I got my sweetness though when he was about to leave and came to say goodbye, and I was like ‘What, are you leaving? I thought we were gonna make out?’ He replied, most encouragingly, ‘Make out? Why?’ But before I even finished the sentence ‘Why? Well, that sort of answers the question” he grabs me and gives me a long, intense kiss that really takes me by surprise, which is rather weird under the circumstances of me actually getting what I just asked for.
A guy called me today but I just said 'Hallå', then he said 'Hello' and then I said 'Hello?' and the call was canceled. Or I am assuming that he hung up. I hope it is the bearded guy Bill that I met at Union Pool on the year's last day. He was tall and very attractive with nice brown eyes and a real skepparkrans as a beard.
I started talking to his friend Will, who later introduced me to Bill. Their real name is actually William, but somewhere along the line they separately took a different road and turning into the sweeter, shy Will (a librarian at Parson’s school of design) and the more straight forward, charming Bill, who put his arm around me every time he came by and whispered ‘Fuck you’ in my ear, which at the time seem totally normal and I just whispered back. Being såhär efterklok, I realize that I should of course have said ‘Fuck me’ instead of just repeating the ‘Fuck you’.
I got my sweetness though when he was about to leave and came to say goodbye, and I was like ‘What, are you leaving? I thought we were gonna make out?’ He replied, most encouragingly, ‘Make out? Why?’ But before I even finished the sentence ‘Why? Well, that sort of answers the question” he grabs me and gives me a long, intense kiss that really takes me by surprise, which is rather weird under the circumstances of me actually getting what I just asked for.
Monday, November 23, 2009
1.rub n' tug
a massage parlor where a gentleman goes for a massage (rub) and hand release(tug); see rub and tug, see also happy ending.In our own dictionary, it is simply the most good looking beat dropping, disco dancing DJs out there.
We decided to dust off a little masterpiece by our favourite Jonas Hassen Khemiri. Reading it again made us realized that we are still very much in the overcrowded land of not teenagers, not yet adults.
That's the beginning of Försök till kärnfysik, compulsory reading for everyone living on the planet.
Välkommen till världen! Ta ett djupt andetag, skrik ditt första skrik och öppna ögonen. Bra gjort. Nu är du redo att bli matad, rapad och ompysslad. Ta dina första steg, säg dina första ord, börja skolan, bli tonåring. Tro inte att det är något fel på dig bara för att du saknar kontroll över dina kroppsdelar eller vill klösa av dig ditt skinn eller associerar allt som du ser till sex. Det är helt normalt. Vi är alla likadana i den åldern. Snart kommer du vara vuxen och börja glömma. Snart kommer du växa in i din kropp, förlåta dina föräldrar och börja tycka om saker som inlagd sill, oliver, tyska dramafilmer och en liten bit mörk choklad efter maten. Dina känslor kommer inte skava lika mycket som nu. Du kommer inte känna dig tvungen att ge dig ut i regnig nattluft med så hög volym i lurarna att kylan knappt känns.Efter ett tag som vuxen kommer du träffa någon. Du kommer uppvisa alla symptom på att vara kär. Du kommer placera din tunga i personens mun och röra runt den i cirkelrörelser.
That's the beginning of Försök till kärnfysik, compulsory reading for everyone living on the planet.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
"Only wish the good nights didn't go by so damn fast. We def laid down some auditory gold all night long doodham. Thanx for mannin' the decks wid me and keepin the booty's and positive vibes flowing like Niagra. We were holdin it down son. Anyway.. much love to ya my friend."
We're just guessing that this is how cool cats talk.
We're just guessing that this is how cool cats talk.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Now, this is a guy we've been keeping an eye on for a while. Todd, creator of divine The Selby, seems like he is just living the dream.
We love super talented, bright Southern Californians who relocate to New York City, and upon being asked what wardrobe item is compulsory for every woman or man, he replied; "Every person should have some good-looking skeletons in their closet."
Besides that proof of wit, he shot the gorgeous pictures of Ben, and when Bill took photos of him, he said that his good pal Mark is his fashion icon. Talk about six degrees of separation!
He also enjoys asking questions about romance and encourage other people to draw. Dude, if you're not up for a casual make out session, can we at least be your romantic companion for life?
Good looking,
Hot American,
Let's get high baby
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"You know, if right now, I was like, “Hey, I wanna be in a fucking jazz band,” I could just find jazz people, and I could just be like, “Look, let's do this.” But when you're in high school, you can't just be like, “Yo, we're in a space-rock band.” You gotta be able to play space-rock to do it, you know what I mean?"
We totally know you mean, like, space-rock dude.
We totally know you mean, like, space-rock dude.
E -> R
I must say I also liked your little Dartmouth friend from Washington that came to our picknick. Thomas? Joe? Something like that. Can you ask him if he wants to marry me?
R -> M
chicks love you
M -> R
Inform her that I am only interested in male models who double as special ops commandos and nobel laureate philosophers. I have yet to find one, but I am still looking.
R -> E
don't ever say i didn't try to hook you up.
Jeeeez. And people accuse us of having too high demands.
I must say I also liked your little Dartmouth friend from Washington that came to our picknick. Thomas? Joe? Something like that. Can you ask him if he wants to marry me?
R -> M
chicks love you
M -> R
Inform her that I am only interested in male models who double as special ops commandos and nobel laureate philosophers. I have yet to find one, but I am still looking.
R -> E
don't ever say i didn't try to hook you up.
Jeeeez. And people accuse us of having too high demands.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
We no longer live in Sweden, but in a country of heavy clouds and a constant gray light for a few hours a day until it turns dark again. In the past two weeks we can only remember the sun shining for nearly an hour last Thursday. When that big burning star is out you just have to drop what ever you are doing, run outside and try to get at least one single ray of sunlight into your heart.
Swedish Radio reported yesterday, that so far, the month of November, in total, has only delighted us with 11,2 hours of sun light. The standard amount is usually somewhere around 30h at this time of the month. But things aren’t as bad as in 1993, back then the sun only shone for 2,9 hours for the entire 30 days of November.
This has nothing to do with the film making boys above, but might explain why the picture is a bit cloudy.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Seriously, if the vampire is good looking in a way that is almost disturbing, Josh here is so very good looking it is purely, simply, absolutely wonderful.
very good-looking
It would be interesting to know who is the bigger slut in a battle between a bartender and a DJ. Thinking about it, we never hook up as much as when serving up frozen daiquiris pool side in Vegas,
on the other hand some DJs are apparently in to oil and we just found this amazing apricot baby oil.
Needless to say, we love the smile, the beard and the teddy bear qualities of this table turner.
on the other hand some DJs are apparently in to oil and we just found this amazing apricot baby oil.
Needless to say, we love the smile, the beard and the teddy bear qualities of this table turner.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
After a box and a half of Six Feet Under we are now aware that the youth is not wasted on the young, but life is wasted on the living. Let's not agree with that and frequently make blueberry pancake boys for breakfast in full appreciation of our hearts beating.
And remember the old saying "A morning of awkwardness is better than a night of loneliness", paying attention to the fact that pancakes can never be awkward.
And remember the old saying "A morning of awkwardness is better than a night of loneliness", paying attention to the fact that pancakes can never be awkward.
food and drink,
Good looking,
life and death,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Writer, British, New Yorker, very handsome and our new favorite man, are a few of the characteristics of Simon van Booy.
It takes one to know one, and we're pretty sure we are dealing with a hopeless romantic here. The very encouraging title Love Begins in Winter, is his latest collection of short stories.
I seldom volunteer anything. For most of my thirties,
I have seen little point in telling people anything. But as a teenager, I loved passionately, spent whole nights crying (for what, I can no longer remember). I followed women home and then wrote sonatas that I left on doorsteps in the middle of the night. I dived into ponds fully clothed.
I almost drank myself to death. In my youth, all conflict was resolution—just a busier form of emptiness.
Doing our research, we realized that the same Dutch-sounding surname composed a New York Times piece that made us cry on the train out to Rockaway beach this summer. It was about raising his daughter single-handedly, after losing his wife to cancer, and how "close up, human life is tragic, but from a distance, it’s funny."
I’m rather a messy shaver. Afraid I might get shaving cream on her dress, I said: “Please keep me company, Madeleine. But don’t get too close.” Then I laughed, realizing that what I’d said characterizes the nature of my adult relationships. Madeleine smiled up at me, and in my heart, I thought,
“Get as close as you like.”
For quite some time, New York magazine has been posting very entertaining sex diaries, where urbanites share some facts of life. Our favorite contributor has to be The Ex-Banker Living on Alcohol, Hook-ups, and Unemployment. Here's nearly 24 hours of that special kind of romance we are most fond of;
1 p.m. Wake up. I think I brought someone home though not really sure because he’s not here. I almost want to ask my doorman if I came home alone last night, but I make the executive decision not to.
8 p.m. Dinner with one of my old men. I am currently dating a few to finance my Manhattan meal plan. I promised myself the liquid diet, but not when you are having a free fabulous dinner at Del Posto. After dinner, mumble an excuse about not feeling well.
1 a.m. With friends at Marquee, where I catch the eye of a handsome boy in an Hermès tie and immediately start eye-B.J.-ing him. He is a 28-year-old M.D. who graduated from Yale. He buys me SoCo-lime shots and I tell him that 28 years old is too young to be an M.D. He responds that he’s just that good.
4 a.m. He asks me to come back to his place and I’m skeptical, but he says he lives on Park Avenue with his older brothers. He has me at “Park Avenue.”
5:30 a.m. Sitting in his penthouse apartment, he opens a bottle of Dom and we watch South Park—that should have been the first sign. We pass out in his room. I think we hook up.
8 a.m. He freaks out and asks me to leave. When I get home, I look him up on Facebook and see that he graduated HIGH SCHOOL in 2009. He is 17 YEARS OLD and it was his parents’ penthouse.
Throughout the years we've learned that a smile is can often open seeming closed doors. And with a Yankee fever spreading more rapidly than the AH1N1, just keep those arms wide open, baby.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
"Your ideals could actually be your greatest obstacle in the way to finding true love. Having a predetermined vision of what looks, characteristics or other attributes this person is supposed to have, and running around looking for them, will most likely not lead you to the love the is best for you."
We love taking advice from pretty boys, and yes, sometimes it is difficult to see the forest for all the trees.
We love taking advice from pretty boys, and yes, sometimes it is difficult to see the forest for all the trees.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Seven days without boys makes one weak.
100 days of wonderful boys makes us shriek.
They range from a geek to a freak,
but never bleak or meek.
We continue to seek,
and although sometimes the eyes might leak,
we always reach for the peak.
Also, wet kisses and a big Thank You to the Cobra snake for unofficially doing a lot of the leg work and taking tonnes of great photos featuring all the American boys we could ever dream of.
100 days of wonderful boys makes us shriek.
They range from a geek to a freak,
but never bleak or meek.
We continue to seek,
and although sometimes the eyes might leak,
we always reach for the peak.
Also, wet kisses and a big Thank You to the Cobra snake for unofficially doing a lot of the leg work and taking tonnes of great photos featuring all the American boys we could ever dream of.
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