Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something jump in its inside. Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious horror. Peter felt suddenly brave and adventurous. Susan felt as if some delicious smell or some delightful strain of music had just floated by her. And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is the beginning of the holidays or the beginning of summer.
His voice was deep and rich and somehow tooke the fidgets out of them. They now felt glad and quiet and it didn't seem awkward to them to stand and say nothing.
From him
Subject: Last night
Great night. That gold dress is so sexy. Can't stop thinking about you.
From her
Subject: Re:Last night
You and I went out last week. I wore trousers.
Her What an amazing night - thanks sooooo much. I've been waiting my whole life to meet someone like you. When are we next going out, handsome?
Him Was great, will get my PA to pencil in next free eve I have.
You are so sexy, sometimes I think I never want to sleep with anyone else ever again.
Friday, October 22, 2010
At first, this seemed like unusual approach to dealing with things. But further reading the South African Sunday Times we got the suggestion to; "Benefit from the "law of attraction". This is the idea that out thoughts influence our reality. Bearing it in mind can help increase the chances of success."
In other words, a great way to solve a crisis by having the whole population think and reflect over it, rather than a finance minister pushing a button or two. Hence, there ought to be no better way to find the men of your dreams than thinking about boys constantly.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
But you can definitely improve your chances".
In the case of Nicholas Cage he pretty much buys the whole island of St. Barths. We suggest a a somewhat cheaper alternative; grow a beard, enjoy hanging out with kids, ride a horse and live like a gentleman in the English countryside.
Burton, the great seducer, appeared to ignore her at first, then he edged over to her and said fatuously, "Has anybody ever told you that you're a very pretty girl?"As recounted in her 1965 memoir, Elizabeth Taylor, she couldn't believe the lameness of that gambit. "Here's the great lover, the great wit, the great intellectual of Wales, and he comes out with a line like that.
Having discovered one of the great love affairs of the past century in a lay around number of Vanity Fair, we are even more convinced of the catastrophe that faces mankind if the art of writing love letters should become extinct. Richard Burton's correspondence with his lady, Liz, simply makes us wish that more men would surrender to love totally.
Well, first of all, you must realize that I worship you. Second of all, at the expense of seeming repetitive, I love you. Thirdly, and here I go again with my enormous command of language, I can't live without you. Thirdly, I mean fourthly, you have an enormous responsibility because if you leave me I shall have to kill myself. There is no life without you, I'm afraid. And I am afraid. Afeared. In terms of my life, scared. Lost. Alone. Dull . Dumb. (That will be the day.) And fifthly , and I hope I will never repeat myself, I fancy you. I bet that you would be alright if you loved me and stuff like that.
I love you, lovely woman. If anybody hurts you, just send me a line saying something like "Need" or 'Necessary" or just the magic word "Elizabeth," and I will be there somewhat faster than sound. You must know, of course, how much I love you. You must know, of course, how badly I treat you. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other... we operate on alien wavelenghts. You are as distant as Venus - planet, I mean - and I am tone-deaf to the music of the spheres.
...so why don't you come down and visit me? I'll show you a good time... I love you. Very very very odd curious strange bizarre unattractive without you. Millions of kisses and hugs. The bed is huge!
All excerpts from A Love Too Big To Last by Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger, Vanity Fair, July 2010.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Det finns nog inget tecken som har förmågan att uppvakta så som Tvillingen. När hon flirtar och visar sina romantiska känslor i ord och handling kan ingen stå emot. Men hennes rastlöshet och stora frihetsbehov är det som oftast hindrar henne från en djupare relation. Tvillingen längtar efter kärlek men är innerst inne rädd för att binda sig vid en enda människa. Då är fanatsin tryggare. Tvillingen är kär nästan jämnt, och drömmer om den perfekta kärleken, men hon låter det oftast stanna vid drömmar för att slippa möta den krassa verkligheten.
Oh, no!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I used to raise chickens and ducks for food. After a couple of years, a pack of coyotes discovered the easy meals, and I began to lose birds. I scared the coyotes away when I happened to be home, but I knew I could not forever stand guard. One day, when I saw a coyote stalking chickens I asked it to stop. I did this more out of frustration than conviction.
The odd thing was, the coyote did stop, and neither it nor other pack members returned./.../
As Franz Kafka put it, you may not destroy someone's world unless you are prepared to offer a better one. But no redemption can be found in avoidance of difficult issues. Redemption comes only after we have moved through the horrors of our present situation to the better world that lies beyond it. By confronting the problemas courageously as we can and at the same time presentling alternatives, our barriers to clarity, including our false hopes, may crumble to reveal previously unseen possibilities.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Although there is no valid reason for people to change behaviour, the vast majority seem to be closing up their physical and emotional candy stores as September moves forward. This saddens us. And how exactly do you plan to survive winter then?
Keep the sweetness burning.
Friday, September 3, 2010
this time it might be different.
Okey, haha. Men herregud! Ursäkta om jag stör men jag är ju i stockholm och det finns ingen som jag så gärna ligger med som dig! Ägna dig åt lite välgörenhet och gör en tjej glad. Väldigt glad! :-) puss och kram04:16
Ps. Jag hoppas du är lycklig!14:10
Helst vill jag ju ligga med dig när jag är nykter, men man kan ju alltid hoppas att ditt omdöme sviktar lite under småtimmarna. Xoxo
In our mild criticism to the modern, constantly connected society, we would like to point out that when you have internet in your phone, it is way too easy to look up previously erased numbers in the online yellow pages.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Needless to say, we woke up as the big winners. Or maybe it is just true, that blondes really do have more fun.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Marianne har nog dejtat hundratals män från nätet vid det här laget, tror hon. I princip har det bara resulterat i lika många kaffe latte på olika kaféer. [That's a lot of coffee]
– Attraktion fanns, men sexuellt blev det en katastrof.
I hans huvud fanns inget annat än att pumpa in och ut.
Jag blir trött och deprimerad av att inte kunna träffa en riktig själsfrände, säger Marianne.
We wish Marianne good luck and would like to point out that the key to happiness is first and foremost to fall in love with yourself. And believing that the children are our future.
Friday, August 13, 2010
you really should change the title of your blog to 'mildly attractive hipsters with varying degrees of facial hair and expressions that denote disregard for social norms.' its long, but accuracy is important, you know.
Dear Gabriel,
Thank you very much for reaching out and your most constructive feedback. Since I am assuming that you are a straight man; your suggested titel might be more appropriate. But the truth is that we really do wanna make out with these guys all the time, hence the current titel will continue to be in use for at least an unforseeable future. I hope you do not feel that your time was spent in vain and let's see if we will have the pleasure to make out sometime.
Kind regards,
If feeling inclined to do so, please like us on facebook.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Swedes however, do not see the clear sequence of events;
a) After jitterbugging and slow dancing to Ray Charles and Love Will Tear Us Apart, the most natural thing is of course to sit down and make out, not complain about being dizzy, excuse yourself to use the men's room and then disappear.
b) Or after giving us a bike ride across town while the summer rain is pouring down, you might want to share a kiss in the midnight darkness instead of just waving good-bye and jumping into a taxi cab.
Another way of putting it is like advertising guru Paul Arden;
"Don't look for the next opportunity.
The one you have in hand is the opportunity."
Shy/lame/wonderful people everywhere, take note.
Since there are no good looking men in Swedish politics, we'll keep our summer spirit with some sun-kissed party makers instead.
Monday, August 9, 2010
What was your biggest dream as a teenager?Alex: I was pretty stupid really. I just wanted to hang out with my friends and drink beer.
Like everyone, really.
Victoria: I definitely wondered about the future but I think I also just wanted to be in love. I just really wanted a boy to be in love with me. I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen. It didn’t happen.
Alex (laughing): And it will never happen!
Victoria (laughing): Yeah, I just wanted to kiss and make out basically.
Excerpt from 'SUP Magazine 22, Beach House interview by Laura Martin, photography by David Ellison.
Monday, August 2, 2010
We will be making out all the time.