Wednesday, January 20, 2010

He thought of the woman. Now he would have given all he had or ever might have to hold her warm in his arms, both of them wrapped in one blanket, and sleep. All hopes of eternity and all gain from the past he would have given to have her there, to be wrapped warm with him in one blanket, and sleep, only sleep. It seemed the sleep with the woman in his arms was the only necessity.

Oh, yes. We too wanna be wrapped up in a blanket of shooting stars and sunlight. It might not be Lady Chatterley's Lover taking a nap above, but D.H. Lawrence's character certainly has some wonderful points in the 1928 novel.

"Yes, I do believe in something. I believe in being warm-hearted. I believe especially in being warm-hearted in love, in fucking with a warm heart. I believe if men could fuck with warm hearts, and the women take it warm-heartedly, everything would come all right. It's all this cold-hearted fucking that is death and idiocy."