Friday, February 26, 2010

Stud-Spotters Wanted

We need your help! First of all, you have great taste in men. Secondly, although we only want to make out, dance and drink, our daytime activities leave increasingly less time to scan the market for gorgeous boys.

We know that you have a crush one a guy or two, really handsome friends and some favorites among more public figures. Please, send us pictures of them at

Sharing in caring. And we all need eye-candy, it's less harmful to your teeth and even better than a sugar rush.
Because the name Peter, derived from the Greek Πετρος (Petros) means "stone". And just as we were beginning to think our heart had turned into granite or frozen to ice, it started beating again, around three'o'clock yesterday afternoon. The guy said wonderful clichés such as "Aha, you're not letting school get in the way of your education" and "Always under promise, and over deliver". We love stuff like that, and what we love even more is the feeling that really good, possibly the best, guys do exists.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Because you deserve a slashie award of the year, taking the concept model/actor to a new level, in the same way that Tom Ford creates a new section for designer/director.

Monday, February 22, 2010

It seems like we should be somewhere else, preferrably raving with these fantastic people. Too bad this weekend was spent writing a crap case study on environmental management systems.

But, there is at least some comfort knowing that in a parallell universe we are always dancing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Words are very unnecessary.
Because even if we run out of imagination, you can always rely on Ashton to provide the good looks and wonderfulness.
Maybe because it is hard to tell your origin, but we love meze as much as Indian food.

After carefully studying our calcium-nourished bones,
they'll find enclosed our hearts of stone.
Singing the cold Swedish winter is right outside,
and I just want somebody to hold me through the night.

The Cold Swedish Winter - Jens Lekman

Friday, February 19, 2010

Because if Justin would look at us from beneath those bangs and say something like: "Hey babes, I'm currently working on an after-work rooftop BBQ", that would be just in time.
We're done with winter now. Turn on the grill, gorgeous.
More smiles, drinks and running-fingers-through-hair, please.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Because being in Paris made us realize that French boys possess a certain elegance, gorgeousness and floppy hair, that comes from being born with style and makes listening to all their complaints a lot more bearable.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Because great things usually do not happen by people saying;
"I have a complaint", but rather "I have a dream". And in our dreams sailor boys play a minor, but yet important part.
All is fair in love and war, but recently we've seen suprising similarities between love and business. Maybe it is just our romantic mind, but there are certainly some value relationship lessons being picked up at SSES:

"Is there room in the customer's life for your product or service?", "Leverage your uniqueness", "Get them hooked and wanting more!", "Create win-win partnerships", "Find it and don't loose sight of it", "Become an opportunity creating specialist", "Everything is impossible until someone does it", "Look for persistent, happy, creative people with a track record", "What went wrong, what did you learn, don't do it again", "Pursue your passion", "You will fail a lot, but failure will provide you with the lessons neccessary for success".

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We have two religions that we subscribe to:
The first one is Worship of Beards, a glorification that releases a close to animalist instinct within us, as well as high-lighting the beauty of life itself. The second one is applicable to almost all areas of life, and we prefer to hang out with people who believe in it too. That devotion is called J.F.D.I.
Just Fucking Do It.

Monday, February 8, 2010

We seldom come across really elegant men, or at least not as often as one would like. So in this case we might just wanna hold hands and waste Friday nights with you.

Besides that mysterious smile and killer gaze, or the ability to pose with a puppy and still look sharp, there are plenty of reasons to love gorgeous George:

a) "Now, about this Clooney-being-a-man, the-last-American-man stuff: there is something interesting about it, because, while I stand by everything I said up top, it comes with a kind of twist. Clooney does radiate adulthood, but it’s very much the adulthood of this era. He’s an adult in the post-adult age."

b) "Run for office? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs and I've been to too many parties."

c) "Clooney, in 2005, speaking about suicide bombers: 'But, really, who wants seventy virgins? I want eight pros.”

Sunday, February 7, 2010

It is always easier to adore a guy if he likes November Rain, moose steak, Helsinkian architecture, knitted apple trees and gets the honor to be best man at a Miami wedding.
Such a P.Y.T, or just the most beautiful boy in Skanstull.

-Har Jan aldrig förr tyckt så mycket om nån, så att ni har fått hjärtklappning fördenskull? sa barnmorskan.
-Nääj, sa Jan.
Men i samma stunden begrep han vad det var, som hade satt hjärtat igång på honom. Och inte nog med det, utan han började också ana vad som hade varit felet med honom i hela hans liv. För den, som inte känner av sitt hjärta varken i sorg eller i glädje, det kan säkert inte räknas som en riktig människa.

A handsome boy recommended that we should read Kejsarn av Portugallien by Selma Lagerlöf, and just we love taking good advice.
- Du kom te mig i natt i drömmen, så var det, ja. Du kom te mig, å jag sa så här: "Är du ute och går, Jan i Askerdala?" - "Nej", sa du, "nu heter jag Jan i Längtedalarna." - "Jaså, välkommen!" sa jag. "Där har jag bott i hela mitt liv."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It is all wonderful with "the rapidly evovling facial-hair canon", but sometimes all we want is some stubble and a long mane of curls.
Because we haven't seen a proper salty-air-sunset in quite a while.
February just gotta show some skin. And this man seems to master the horisontal position in a variety of ways, all equally charming.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Because adult men who remain kids at heart and have eyes that sparkle are pretty rare. Not just medium rare, but bloody rare.